Take the following points into consideration when submitting your work for publication:
- This Call for Papers introduces several Publication windows, including Conference Proceedings, indexed journals, and Monograph publication. It is crucial that you select ONLY ONE of these Publication opportunities. Submitting your work simultaneously to multiple publications can potentially result in copyright violations or disputes if the work is published in different places.
- To ensure that your paper is accepted and published successfully, it is important to carefully check the scope of each publication opportunity and select the ONE that best matches the theme of your paper.
- It is also essential that you strictly follow the submission guide for each publication opportunity. This will help ensure that your submission is complete, meets the required standards, and is assessed fairly according to the guidelines of the chosen publication opportunity.
Conference Proceedings
Deadline: 12 October 2024
The Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISSN Number. To ensure the quality and validity of the proceedings, all full papers submitted for conference proceedings will undergo a double-blind review process. Upon acceptance, these papers will be published electronically in the proceedings with a unique DOI number. This ensures that each paper is assigned a persistent identifier that can be used for citation and tracking purposes.
ISSN 3030-1319 (Online)
To submit your paper for proceedings publication, prepare your paper according to the provided template. This will ensure that your submission adheres to the necessary formatting and style requirements, and is ready for the review process.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication
Important NOTE before Journal Submission:
- Carefully read the Scope of the selected journal before submission, otherwise your paper will be rejected without a review process.
- The decision of whether or not the submission can be included in the journal publication remains at the full discretion of the journal editors and is subject to the results of the double-blind peer review and the satisfactory completion of any revisions required.
- If you select a journal with a Direct Submission Link, include a note to the Editorial Board with information about the conference and the Organizer.
Deadline: 12 October 2024
EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTICS is an international open-access peer-reviewed academic periodical published semiannually. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for scholars to share, foster, and discuss globally various new topics and advances in different fields of modern psycholinguistics. The journal publishes original manuscripts covering but not limited to the following theoretical and applied fields of psycholinguistics, including neurolinguistics, cognitive psychology, psychology of language, translation studies.
ISSN 2312-3265
e-ISSN 2313-2116
Journal Link:
Abstracting/ Indexing: DOAJ; Scopus; EBSCO; Linguistic Bibliography ; ERIH PLUS, Translation Studies Bibliography; Index Copernicus IC; Ulrich’s Web; OCLC WorldCat; Scribd; Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals MIAR; Zenodo; OpenAIRE; Journals’ International Compliance Index; Publons; Open Academic Journals Indexing; Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine; Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series, and Publishers; Electronic Journals Library; Academic Keys; ResearchBible; The Linguist List; Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig; Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe; Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fur Medizin ZB MED; Linguistik Portal fűr Sprachwissenschaft; Staats- und Universitäts- Bibliothek Hamburg
Scopus Link:
Publication fee: 108 EUR
FORMAT /LENGTH: The article must be in a version similar or higher than Word 97. The recommended length is 10-18 pages (max 5,000 words) including two abstracts and references, A4 paper format, with 2,5 cm for upper, lower, right and left margins, observing 2 space between lines and with Times New Roman font type, with a 12 point body.
TITLE- AUTHOR’S IDENTIFICATION: The first page must include the capitalized and centered title of the article in bold. Below go author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), city, country, e-mail(s), 12 point body, e.g. Petro Smith, ORCID ID, Scopus Author ID (if available), Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine,, then abstracts.
ABSTRACT /KEYWORDS: Each paper should include two abstracts in English and Ukrainian. Each of them should contain 250-300 words (not more) preceded by the author’s family and given names, the title of the article (in the respective language). For the abstract in Ukrainian, the editors may assist upon request. The abstracts should be written in italics with a 12 point body. Also, 5-7 keywords should be included at the end of each abstract.
TEXT|: Quotations in the text should be as follows: According to Yu. Shevelov (Shevelov, 2012), or (Smith, 2014, p. 3) where 3 means the number of page with the quotation. Comments and notes should be included in footnotes. Any examples should be italicized and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The article should contain the following parts: introduction; methods; the study; results and discussion; conclusions.
REFERENCES: References should come at the end of the paper. They should be written according to the APA style with a 12 point body and in alphabetic order. The Ukrainian (and any Cyrillic-based, Semitic, Mandarin, etc.) references should be both written in the original language and transcribed in Latin letters:
An example of reference:
Shevelov, Yu. (2012). Narys Suchasnoii Ukrains’koii Literaturnoii Movy ta Inshi Lingvistychni Studii [An Outline of Modern Ukrainian Literary Language and Other Linguistic Studies]. Kyiv: Tempora.
Paper in the journal:
Smith, P. (2014). Psykholingvistychna model dyskursu [Psycholinguistic model of discourse].East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 1(2), 252–260.
Electronic book:
Smith, P. (2014). Psykholingvistychna model dyskursu [Psycholinguistic model of discourse]. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics. Retrieved from
Book chapter:
Smith, P. (2014). Psycholinguistic Model of Discourse. In Challenges of Psycholinguistics, (pp. 21-42). J. Brown (ed). Lutsk: Vezha.
Conference proceedings:
Smith, P. (2015). Psycholinguistic model of translation. In J. Brown (Ed.) Second International Conference Challenges of Psycholinguistics and Psychology of Language and Speech COPAPOLS 2015. Book of abstracts (10-12). Lutsk, Ukraine: Social Initiatives and Analytic Research Center.
Deadline: 12 October 2024
International Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education (IJSFLE) is an interdisciplinary journal of second and foreign language education studies, a peer-reviewed journal of international scope. It focuses on main areas of research in second and foreign language teaching and learning including language acquisition theories, instructional pedagogies, and methodologies, curriculum development, innovative approaches to language education. IJSFLE provides a forum for high-quality theoretical and experimental research and discussion on topics investigating and exploring applied linguistic theories as well as second and foreign language education. It brings forward new insights into applied linguistics and to second and foreign language education. Applied linguistics, second language acquisition, educational linguistics, foreign language learning and teaching, and many others are the disciples covered in this specialized scientific journal.
ISSN: 2669-2341
Journal Link:
Publication fee: Free
All Papers will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Crossref and will be indexed by Google Scholar.
Manuscripts should be organized as follows:
- Title page:List title, authors, and affiliations as first page of manuscript
- Abstract: an abstract should summarize the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. An abstract is a short summary of a larger work for the purpose of condensing the argument, conclusions, and/or results into a paragraph. After the abstract, please supply up to five keywordsor brief phrases.
Manuscript should follow the style detailed in the APA publication manual.
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions (optional)
- Acknowledgments (if applicable)
- References: This journal uses the “APA” Reference style. Each listed reference should be cited in the text, and each text citation should be listed in the references section.
- Supporting information captions (if applicable)
Figure captions are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which the figure is cited.
Tables are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which they are cited.
Login Or Register in the following link and submit your paper on the Journal online Submission platform:
Deadline: 12 October 2024
The Journal of e-learning Research (JELR) is a peer-reviewed applied research journal that provides case studies, best practices, and perspectives on the utilization of the Internet in learning and online education studies. Distance education institutions across the world as well as experts in distance, adaptable, and technology-based forms of learning are the main subscribers of the Journal. Articles submitted from contributors worldwide are peer-reviewed by an international committee of scholars and academia in the field.
ISSN: 2669-235X
Journal Link:
Publication fee: No APC
All Papers will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Crossref and will be indexed by Google Scholar.
Manuscripts should be organized as follows:
- Title page:List title, authors, and affiliations as first page of manuscript
- Abstract: an abstract should summarize the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. An abstract is a short summary of a larger work for the purpose of condensing the argument, conclusions, and/or results into a paragraph. After the abstract, please supply up to five keywordsor brief phrases.
Manuscript should follow the style detailed in the APA publication manual.
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions (optional)
- Acknowledgments (if applicable)
- References: This journal uses the “APA” Reference style. Each listed reference should be cited in the text, and each text citation should be listed in the references section.
- Supporting information captions (if applicable)
Figure captions are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which the figure is cited.
Tables are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which they are cited.
Login Or Register in the following link and submit your paper on the Journal online Submission platform:
Monograph Publication
Following a publication Partnership with Proud Pen – Open Access Books Publisher- Monograph publication opportunity will be offered to all conference participants. Authors are encouraged to expand their research papers or compile their works into a book so that readers may take advantage of these scientific discoveries as a whole.
Benefits of Publishing an Open Access Monograph
Deadline: 12 October 2024
Open Access lets you reach a worldwide audience.
Widen your scientific circles with Proud Pen.
Maintain ownership over your published work.
Publish a Monograph and Get a unique ISBN and DOI
Printed books
Suggest your content in e-Book or hard copy to Libraries
Publish academic book and have it globally disseminated
Free typesetting and cover design
Everything You Need to Know to Turn Your Research Paper into A Book or Monograph:
To properly convert your research works into a book or publish a monograph, read here.
The OPEN ACCESS Monograph Publication Fee with Proud Pen is £900, however for the conference participants, the following publication fee will be applied:
- Student: £450
- Regular: £600
Prepare your manuscript according to the Template and submit it via the proposal submission form: